Sunday, February 1, 2009

Updates and Updates

Well, now that I am more adjusted to the blogging lifestyle - I can say, it is a great way to communicate with family and friends about the happenings in the Ratliff family. Not to be too lengthy, I thought I would update a little. John is teaching at Tuscaloosa Academy and absolutely loves his job. In addition, he is teaching graduate classes in history at the Gadsden Center - part of the U of A. Foster is growing rapidly and is such a joy to be around. He is such fun!

As noted in a previous post, Foster started making enormous strides to walking around Christmas. First he was standing on his own, then began walking by holding someone's hand, then by the first of the year he was venturing out to make a few steps. Now he is certainly on the move. It is amazing to watch him as he learns new things. Right now, he is enjoying stuffed animals, to look at books, and to push cars or really anything for that matter all over the floor. He is jabbering up a storm and I can say it looks as though we are over the bath time anxiety. I guess the floating tugboat and walrus did the trick -we hope! For about a month - around 10 and 11 months he wanted to through his arm out and lead us where he wanted to go, now it seems he is trying to tell us more than show us. He still just has four teeth - two on the bottom and two on the top (they all came in within three weeks of each other when he was 9/10 months old) - just before Thanksgiving. He is more interested in t.v., but not extremely. His favorites are Elmo and Barney. He continues to love love love the animals.

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