Monday, January 24, 2011

2011 Talky Talky

Good morning all - yes, it has been quite a while since I posted last. I am going to "try" to post more often. I realize these days that Foster is changing so quickly that I can't keep up. Honestly, I want to use this blog as a way to track some of the funny things he is saying a doing right now!

Talky Talky - is the way of the Ratliff home right now. Foster is talking up a storm and is beginning to elaborate on many details. His expressions are priceless. He is also becoming a little "bossy", making sure to tell John and I when we can and can't talk and when we can be on the phone! He told John this morning, "Daddy, you come back inside now, it is cold and you don't have any clothes on". That was as John was coming in from getting the newspaper.

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