Thursday, August 13, 2009

The days are long but the years are short

Alright - I know I need a lashing for being so long without posting or blogging for that matter. So much has gone on in the past several months, I will give you a speed version. Foster is now running, loves bath time, swimming - absolutely loved his first trip to the beach, and his dialogue is growing at a rapid pace. I wake each morning to hear - Momma, which thrills me regardless of how tired I am. We all went to Washington, D.C. for a week in June. It was a blast and we were fortunate to travel with Ratliff grandparents and the Lee family. John finished up the year at TA, then taught a graduate class at Gadsden Center for UA this summer. I have completed another graduate class and Foster just started preschool last week.

O.k. - for direct updates on Foster - he is so much fun now (really always has been). He loves Elmo, riding in the house on his Radio Flyer (boodin, boodin), riding the lawnmower with John countless times around the neighborhood, playing with the animals and of course, to tumble on the bed and roll on the pillows. He has just started showing a great deal of interest in puzzles - especially with animals. He loves musical books, musical stuffed animals, and his all time favorite is a BALL. He has this game he likes to play - he will push a ball under the bed, then get John or me bring us to the bedroom, point to the bed and say "ball" with a very concerned look. We then get on our hands and knees - he follows too, look under the bed and exclaim - "we found it". Then he gets extremely excited and pushes the ball back under the bed, leans over, looks in and says "BALL?". Another funny - he walks around the house calling for his shoes and his juice bottle. He will yell, Shoes, Shoes..... as he walks around looking for them.

Current - Word list...... Momma, Daddy, Gizzy, kitty, dog, tyger (tiger), Papa, Pappaw, PawPaw, Cheese, Juice, BaBa, Poo Poo, Bath, MaMaw, Gunga (I think that is any tool), car, choo choo, cow, toothbrush (not very clear), PenPen (penny), cracker, blueberry

Favorite Foods - everything, but especially: cheese, strawberries, blueberries, pretzels, applesauce, MILK, crackers - any kind, black olives, raisins, craisins, sausage, bacon, green beans, corn on the cob, - he also likes pasta with red sauce, will eat any kind of pea and has been known to drink tomato juice, eat cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

He now has a total of 12 teeth. 2 top and 2 bottom at a year old, then two more bottom at 13 months, two top two weeks later, then bottom molars at 15 months, then shortly after the top molars showed up. His teeth are VERY slow to completely surface. They break the skin and can be 2 months before being complete.

That is all for now, but I will try diligently to stay on top of the posts from here on out.....

P.S. If you haven't noticed - I plan on using this for historical documents as well :)

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