Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gobble, Gobble

For Thanksgiving this year, Foster first started the week with a party at school and it was his "responsibility" to provide dessert for the class. I (Amy) had that handled and decided instead of messy cupcakes - I sent what John referred to as "jello shooters", but of course kid and church friendly. :)

We traveled as a family to Toxey, AL to be with the Ratliff/Speed Family. We had a blast until John and me, started suffering from cold/allergy symptoms and headed home a little early. But, not to early for Foster to enjoy a little bug catching time with his cousins, Cooper and Trinity and with the help of Uncle Nathan. It was the first time ever: Foster held a grashopper and a grandaddy longleg! He now refers to grasshoppers as ---- hop, hop!

We finished the week, trying to recooperate, after have a run in with swollen eyes, we are finally resting. Foster did get to attend Jackson's 2nd birthday and had a blast - he even painted an ornament - well make that two. We even made it to the Foster family get together - but not for too long.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

On the move to Co-op

Hi all, just an update: I have accepted a position to serve as the Senior Coordinator for the Cooperative Education Program here at UA. I am excited about this opportunity for growth and will join Co-op in mid-December. I am going to miss the Career Center - I have learned so much and have great co-workers, but the good news is that I will be just across the street.

A door has opened and I am walking through. Let's hope and pray for the best.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

On the move

Well, I thought I should update about Foster's current - likes and dislikes.... well, outside it still a favorite but all the sudden he is loving to push cars, really anything around! Of course, he has to haul all his animals in the back of a dump truck. He now refers to crayons as "cray cray" and is showing a little interest in Little Einsteins; however, he has yet to watch more than 15 minutes of ANYTHING. I guess that is a good thing.

He also asks to be held by saying "hol hol" and extending his arms. He has used the potty once or twice and is getting better at saying when he has poo pooed, but not completely in to real potty time, so we will leave it alone for now.